For Beginners - Page 3

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Keras for Beginners: Building Your First Neural Network


A beginner-friendly guide on using Keras to implement a simple Neural Network in Python.


A Simple Explanation of Information Gain and Entropy

Machine Learning

What Information Gain and Information Entropy are and how they're used to train Decision Trees.


CNNs, Part 2: Training a Convolutional Neural Network

Machine Learning

A simple walkthrough of deriving backpropagation for CNNs and implementing it from scratch in Python.


CNNs, Part 1: An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks

Machine Learning

A simple guide to what CNNs are, how they work, and how to build one from scratch in Python.


How to Build a Multiplayer (.io) Web Game, Part 2

Game Development

A look into the backend server behind an .io game.


How to Build a Multiplayer (.io) Web Game, Part 1

Game Development

A deep dive into the client-side Javascript of an .io game.


Random Forests for Complete Beginners

Machine Learning

The definitive guide to Random Forests and Decision Trees.


A Simple Explanation of Gini Impurity

Machine Learning

What Gini Impurity is (with examples) and how it's used to train Decision Trees.
